Huang, Kintala, Kolettis, and Fulton win the 2019 Jean-Claude Laprie Award

April 02, 2019

Today, IFIP Working Group 10.4 announced that an outstanding paper has been selected as winners of the 2019 Jean-Claude Laprie Award in Dependable Computing:

  • Huang, Y., Kintala, C., Kolettis, N., & Fulton, N.D. Software Rejuvenation: Analysis, Module and Applications. In Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FTCS), Pasadena, CA, USA (June 1995), 381-390.

Software Rejuvenation: Analysis, Module and Applications” by Yennun Huang, Chandra Kintala, Nick Kolettis, and N. Dudley Fulton is a seminal paper that established the idea of proactively restarting software systems to avoid issues related to software aging as a mainstream fault-tolerance technique. While the value of periodic restarts had long been part of the computing folklore, this was the first paper to provide both a sound scientific framework for the approach and compelling evidence of its value as a technique for increasing availability in production systems. The impact of the paper on the field has been profound. On the research side, it created a new area and established what is still an active community investigating various aspects of software rejuvenation. On the practical side, the technology it originated is now applied routinely in areas as diverse as telecommunications systems, web applications, network devices, and spacecraft software. This publication is an excellent example of a ground-breaking paper, and is well-deserving of this award..

Authors of the winning papers will be presented the award on June 25, 2019, Portland, Oregon USA, during the opening session of the Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks

About the Jean-Claude Laprie Award in Dependable Computing

The award was created in 2011, in honor of Jean-Claude Laprie (1944-2010), whose pioneering contributions to the concepts and methodologies of dependability were influential in defining and unifying the field of dependable and secure computing. The award recognizes outstanding papers that have significantly influenced the theory and/or practice of Dependable Computing.

For more information on the Jean-Claude Laprie Award please visit

About IFIP WG 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance

IFIP Working Group 10.4 was established in 1980 with the aim of identifying and integrating approaches, methods and techniques for specifying, designing, building, assessing, validating, operating and maintaining dependable computer systems, that is those that are reliable, available, safe, and secure. Its 75 members from around the world meet twice a year to to conduct in-depth discussions of important technical topics to further the understanding and exposition of the fundamental concepts of dependable computing.

For more information on IFIP WG10.4 visit

About the International Federation For Information Processing

IFIP is a non-governmental, non-profit umbrella organization for national societies working in the field of information processing. It was established in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO as a result of the first World Computer Congress held in Paris in 1959. It is the leading multinational, apolitical organization in Information & Communications Technologies and Sciences.

For more information on IFIP visit

Media Contact:

Charles B. Weinstock


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