January 26, 2015 – Tortworth, Bristol, UK
The Working Group 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance (WG10.4) of the International Federation For Information Processing (IFIP) announced today, at it’s Summer meeting, that it has elected Professors Yair Amir and Karthik Pattabiraman as its two newest members.
Amir is a Professor at Johns Hopkins University where he is Director of the Distributed Systems and Networks lab (DSN) (www.dsn.jhu.edu). His research interests include intrusion tolerant systems, critical infrastructure, clouds, distributed systems, overlay networks, group communication, wireless mesh networks, multicast, distributed algorithms, intrusion tolerance, fault tolerance, and replication.
Pattabiraman is an Assistant Professor with the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia. His research interests include error resilient computer systems, specifically how we can build error resilient software systems through advances in programming languages, compilers and computer architecture. He is also interested in improving web applications’ dependability, and in smart meter security.
About IFIP WG 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance
IFIP Working Group 10.4 was established in 1980 with the aim of identifying and integrating approaches, methods and techniques for specifying, designing, building, assessing, validating, operating and maintaining dependable computer systems, that is those that are reliable, available, safe, and secure. Its 75 members from around the world meet twice a year to to conduct in-depth discussions of important technical topics to further the understanding and exposition of the fundamental concepts of dependable computing.
For more information on IFIP WG10.4 visit http://www.dependability.org/wg10.4/
About the International Federation For Information Processing
IFIP is a non-governmental, non-profit umbrella organization for national societies working in the field of information processing. It was established in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO as a result of the first World Computer Congress held in Paris in 1959. It is the leading multinational, apolitical organization in Information & Communications Technologies and Sciences.
For more information on IFIP visit http://www.ifip.org
Media Contact:
Charles B. Weinstock